Paper Submission Instructions:

Dear Research Paper Submitter,

Please follow the following ISED paper submission instructions:

  1. Paper Formatting: IEEE format.
  1. Page Limit: 6 pages. Additional pages can be bought at INR 750/- per page.
  1. Author Information: Please include author names, affiliations, contact details, and a brief biography (40-70 words) for each author. Mention if you have a separate corresponding author.
  1. Abstract: Summarize the main contribution and findings in no more than 1000 words.
  1. Keywords: A list of keywords that describe the paper's topic and can be used for indexing purposes.
  1. Originality and Plagiarism: Please submit original work; the conference imposes IEEE’s policy on plagiarism. Your submission confirms that the paper is not under consideration elsewhere and that all sources have been appropriately cited.
  1. Ethical Considerations: Please disclose any potential conflicts of interest or funding sources related to their work.
  1. Review Process: ISED follows a blind review process by at least 3 reviewers and is conducted by a distinguished set of academicians and professionals (the Program Committee). To avoid conflicts of interest, a reviewer cannot self-select papers.
  1. Presentation Format: The papers are expected to be presented orally unless they are in a poster session.
  1. Copyright and Publication: Provide the IEEE/conference's copyright policy.
  1. Please refer to the ISED2023 public website ( for Important Dates, Registration process & fees, Contact information, and related matters.

Thank you,

ISED Chairs

Paper Information:

Manuscripts reporting high-quality original and unpublished research are solicited for this symposium. Single-spaced, double-column, 6-page manuscripts need to be formatted as per the guidelines below.

Manuscripts longer than 6 pages incur additional charges per page.
The manuscripts will undergo blind review by a strong team of reviewers and program committee members consisting of leading researchers around the globe.

It's expected that at least one of the authors of a submitted paper will register to attend the conference and present it if the paper gets accepted (this is a requirement for a paper to be published and indexed).

Formatting Information:

Templates specific to the symposium will be provided to the authors via the author kit upon the acceptance of the manuscript.
The templates below are the general templates designed for conferences using US Letter (8.5″ x 11″) trim size which can be used for the manuscript prepared for the submissions.

Click here to download Word Template

Click here to download LaTex Package

For more on Templates: Click Here


Manuscript Submission Information:

A manuscript for reviewing purposes needs to be submitted as a single PDF or Word file using the following link:


 Submission Link: